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Your own being of light

Your own being of light

The emerging being within us

A little soul came to this earth. Small and delicate, it began its exploration of what special things could be expected on this earth. There were no preconceptions - the soul knew so much light and love and was now starting out for the first time with darkness, confinement and lots of noises. The little creature was a little uneasy: "What are those sounds and voices - who or what is that?"

Some time later, it became cold and light. Suddenly there were lots of faces smiling at the newcomer and scrutinizing him. So this is what people look like - and I am very small.
It soon became clear that survival was not possible without the support of these big people. Basically, it's still great when everything is brought to you. But after a short time, the little creature found the constant need to adapt, the many rules and regulations, very tiring.

The little human grew bigger and the soul forgot why it had come. It now felt completely human. It is great as a child and yet something kept pushing through. A feeling of "not doing it right", "not always doing it right" or "not being good enough".

There was a lot to learn at school. "But I don't always enjoy what I learn there. I much prefer many other topics that interest me. Nature, the universe and who else is there on this earth and in our universe"

And so the years passed. Wealth, money and many other things were acquired. But something was missing. What could it be? Man could not describe it.
And so the soul went in search of what was missing - without knowing where to start. Books were read, courses attended and many people were asked. The answers varied: "that's not important" - "there's nothing else".

One evening, the soul got lost in the forest. Night fell and fear was palpable. When the soul no longer knew what to do, a light appeared in the sky - right above its head. The soul followed the light and was accompanied home. After falling asleep contentedly, a light appeared again in the dream and spoke to the soul: "You came from me and you can learn many things here on earth. No matter what happens, you are always connected to the source via the golden thread of light."

From then on, the soul's memory began to return day by day. The soul could now see the world in a completely new and wonderful way. There was less and less fear, the uncertainty was replaced by joy and serenity and there was much, much light and love.

Created on 08.04.2024,
inspired by the solar eclipse

Patrick Roth